The core mission of MMI is to provide Health, Healing, and Hope to the world's sick, suffering, and needy people.
MMI attacks the root causes of sickness and disease to promote overall health
MMI is commited to first response medical intervention in crisis situations
MMI focuses on the poorest, most desperate countries of the developing world
We accomplish this mission in three ways:
First, we provide emergency medical assistance rooted in long-term public health needs. Whenever possible, MMI helps support primary care in the context of the larger, long-term health challenges of the community. Second, we provide appropriate ongoing assistance, including medical equipment, supplies, medicines, vitamins, and other items suited to the local need. Third, we provide hope and assistance in times of despair. Most often this help comes by providing life-saving aid to communities facing catastrophic or endemic needs.
“COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative
impact on access to TB Diagnosis and treatment in many countries, in turn resulting in global increases
in the burden of TB disease.”
2023 World Health Organization Report